today’s art… Tinkerbell, and NYC

To be honest, I’ve never been a big Tinkerbell fan. But I figured I’d give her a shot.

So anyway, I thought I’d recap my NYC trip. I haven’t downloaded my pics off the real camera yet, but I do have a few iphone photos.
I didn’t reread this post or spellcheck it, so I’m sorry if there’s any weirdness LOL

Friday our plane didn’t leave til the afternoon – our flight wasn’t even full, so Cat and I were able to move seats so we’d be together. It was a bumpy ride, but I managed to doze off a little for the flight.

We landed and I turned my phone off airplane mode, and I got a text from my aunt saying “Call as soon as you land – emergency! dont freak out!” So I called and it turns out that she & our friend had gotten a town car for us to ride into the city in! LOL She just wanted me to call right away so we didn’t miss it and get in a cab. We got down to baggage and found the guy with our names on the sign, and he got our luggage and drove us into the city.

We got to our hotel and got checked in. Unfortunately due to a conference that was in our hotel, all they had left was a room with a king bed! They told us to check back the next day to see if a room w/2 beds became available, but we were never able to get one – no big deal, we just switched out who had to sleep in the middle LOL Mel got there right after us. We changed clothes and headed to Times Square. We were about 8 or so blocks from there, so it wasn’t a bad walk – and we lucked out with the weather. It was in the 40s so it wasn’t all that cold at all. I didn’t need all the heavy winter stuff I’d brought!

After that we went to Friday’s there, because Cat & Mel love their Junebugs. We ate and sat in there for a good long while before heading back to the hotel for the night.

Saturday we got up and grabbed some Starbucks for breakfast, then walked into Central Park. Our first stop was Strawberry Fields:

From there we walked through the park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The weather was so nice we had to take our jackets off… there were SO many people out walking their dogs and jogging! It was cool.
I didn’t take a lot of pics at the met, I wasn’t sure if it was allowed or not. I did take a pic of this Vermeer:

I had to send it to my dad – he copied it in art school and it’s always been in our house LOL

After our quick tour there, we had lunch in the cafe, then walked down the street to the Guggenheim. We didn’t go in, I just wanted to see it.

From there we caught a cab to the Cloisters. I dont know if we got a new cab driver or what, but he had never heard of it, and apparently didn’t know how to work his GPS when we told him the address. He had to call his dispatcher for directions, and then once we got in the vicinity he yelled at some guy on the street for directions again. I tried to show him map to it in google maps but he was just like “ok ok” LOL

The stupid cab ride was worth it, Cloisters was really cool. It was awesome to the unicorn tapestries in person.

We caught a cab back into Times Square, and walked around for a bit, checked out the Toys R Us, then walked into the fashion district. All of us being Project Runway fans, we saw Parsons, and then wanted to find Mood. It took us a few minutes but we found it – and got to ride in a sweet old elevator.


I bought a bag for me and mom, and also a big feather LOL I didn’t bring a list of stuff I needed and was a little overwhelmed too! So I couldn’t do much “real” shopping!

After that we went and had a quick dinner, then went to the hotel to get changed for the show we were going to that night – Mary Poppins!

It was really cute & fun. Pardon me for sounding like a broken record after talking about the kid at Princess & the Frog, but we had a little kid in front of us that was too little to be there, he wasn’t interested in watching and couldn’t sit still, and cried at the pyrotechnics. Honestly it wouldnt have been so bad except, you know, the people around you have paid a lot of money for their seats, way more than a movie ticket, and I really didn’t enjoy having to shift to see every few seconds because Junior couldn’t sit still.

But they had an AMAZING set, and some neat stage tricks. It was a lot of fun. I don’t want to sound like a grump!

LOL and then we began our evening of fail trying to find a club to go dancing. We couldn’t really find a place that looked appealing. After stopping at a bar, we went back to the hotel to look on cath’s computer for a place, and ended up just staying in watching “Bridezillas” LOL

The Ed Sullivan theater was right around the corner from our hotel:

Sunday, it was a little bit chillier due to it being cloudy and a lot windier. We walked down to Rockefeller Center.

Then we wandered around trying to find a place to eat lunch! There wasn’t much open. We finally settled for Cafe Metro, and when we got done there we went outside to find it had started raining. We hadn’t dressed for rain, and we didn’t have an umbrella, so we ran down to Hard Rock and hid in there for a while, we ordered dessert, and then I bought an umbrella in the gift store LOL

We were waiting til we could get in line at the ticket place in Times Square, so we still had some time to kill – we went to the Hershey’s store, and then to the M&Ms store. Then we got in line and ended up in line for about an hour in the pouring rain, huddling under our umbrella… somehow Cat managed to get in line ahead of me and Mel, so we handed our money to her once we able to reach her, then slowly made our way out of line.

When she caught up with us she told we’d been able to get our first choice – “Rock of Ages” – fifth row orchestra! We ran back to the hotel room to change and figure out dinner. We ended up eating at a restaurant down the street from the theater – we wanted to eat at Mesa but couldn’t get a table (should have thought of it earlier!)

So we got to the theater and I got Chase a shirt there. The view from our seats:

The show was SO MUCH fun! We loved it. Everyone was standing up singing along by the end. It was just a really, really fun show. We couldn’t stop talking about how much we liked it LOL Constantine, from American Idol, was in it, and he was really great.

The rain, by that point, had turned into a mist that was being blown straight into your face by the wind, so we had a time walking to the next place we’d picked, the Havana Club… we were having to hold the umbrella in front of us LOL And we were SO cold by that point!

We made it to the Havana Club:

We really enjoyed the band. It was a really neat little place.

After that Cath said I had to pick the next place, so I pulled out the playbill (they had a list of nearby places) – we fought the rain and wind to the address to find out it wasn’t there anymore (either that or we just couldn’t find it).
We struggled back to the bar we’d gone to the previous night and all ordered different slices of cake from the restaurant LOL

We headed on back to the hotel since we were so cold. At one point my umbrella flipped inside out, but I was able to force it to flip right again LOL It was pretty funny.

Monday it was really hard to get up and get moving. We packed our stuff up and checked out, then caught a cab to the Empire State Building. We took our stuff into Starbucks and had a quick breakfast, then left Mel there with our bags while Cat and I went up.
There wasn’t a lot of people there – we spent so much time going through huge rooms of completely empty line mazes LOL We went up the 86th floor and looked around, then headed up to the 102nd floor.

We took a lot of pics then headed back down. We had a little more time to kill, so with suitcases in hand we walked down to the Flatiron building, then from there walked to Madison Square Garden, since Mel’s bus stop was near there. (I had dressed warmer, after being so cold the day before. I regretted after all the walking we did and it was a bright sunny day again!) We said goodbye to Mel, and Cat and I hopped in a taxi and went to the airport.

We had planned for a long wait at security, so we’d gotten there about 2 1/2 hours early – and then as we were pulling up to the airport, Cath got a text saying our flight was delayed for an hour! LOL Geez! Then there was NOBODY at security and we were through in literally 5 minutes. So we had a lot of time to kill. We had lunch at Chili’s and then read and tried to nap, but the gate area was so crowded and loud it was pretty impossible.

We got loaded onto the flight and headed home. I was glad to be home…. we had a fabulous time but I missed Chase! šŸ™‚ And even Indy, who slammed into my face while I was petting her, after getting home… I thought she’d knocked my tooth out LOL

And Chase had two surprises for me at home – he’d put the walkway lights he got me for Christmas up, AND… he made the second half of my desk over the weekend. I’m so proud of it!

Chase surprised me by making the second half of my desk while I was gone for the weekend! He'll be painting it white to match the rest of my things, once it warms up!

Once it gets warmer, he’s going to paint it white to match my desk! šŸ™‚